Afghan rug

ref: 38919

5000 - 10000 EUR

250 x 333 cm
8' 2³/₈" x 10' 11¹/₈"
warp and weft: wool
pile: wool
warp and weft: wool pile: wool
333 x 250 cm (131 ¹/₈ x 98 ³/₈ inches)

Coulours may appear different on the website than in reality. All mentioned prices and sizes are indicative and not binding. Possibly some rugs that are still online, are not available anymore in the showroom.

Till the third quarter of the 20th century, Afghanistan was producing rugs closely connected with the weavings of the Turcoman. When mentioning the Afghan production, one did expect rugs with several shades of red dyes and black octagonal patterns. When they became old or antique they turned into rusty-brown.

In the fifties, “antique wash” was very much in fashion as the chemical process was altering colours. The red colours were changed into shiny bronze. So, after washing the traditional Afghan rugs became “Golden Afghans”.

But it was a temporary fashion. At the dawn of the 21st century a new era started. New designs, both classical (many kilims) and modern, were introduced and Afghanistan carpet-weaving reacted to the challenges of the market by transgressing the boundaries of traditional patterns.