Since 1920: Same business, same address, same family
In 1917 N. Vrouyr was founded in the Hague in the Anna Paulownastreet. In 1920 the shop moved to Antwerp. Since then, les Magasins Arméniens de Tapis d'Orient N. Vrouyr was established and stayed on the same address: Komedieplaats 4. Facing the Bourla theater, the premises (now three houses and three floors) emanate an unparalleled atmosphere. After more than hundred years they have become an inseparable part of the old city centre. Impeccable service and accurate information always were a primary concern. The reputation of trustworthiness of N. Vrouyr has spread wide across the borders.
In 2010 at the professional Domotex fair in Hannover, N. Vrouyr won the international 'Carpet Cup Award’ for best carpet retail shop.

Founder Norayr Vrouyr had a sharp eye for quality and transmitted it to his son Tigrane who on his turn left it as a legacy to his son Christian. The more they travelled the more they kept the tradition alive to select only the best. Today Naïry perpetuates their work.
Four generations have made a permanent effort to promote carpets as being part of the artistic legacy of the Orient. Originality, authenticity and knowledge are a guarantee on all carpets offered by N. Vrouyr.